13-01 t/m 20-02-2017


13-01 Presentatie Parallel #2
19:00 – 22:00
poppodium NIEUWE NOR
acts: De Band

24-01 TALK Takeshi Ikeda
16:00 -18:00
MaFAD, Maastricht


During the presentation of the second group of participants, the work they have made under the guidance of and in collaboration with artist Mike Moonen will be exhibited at poppodium NIEUW NOR.

Mike, Ties, Ellis and Robin have been busy with the relationship between music and art over the past two months. They did this by sharing their opinions and experiences, studio visits, interviews, interviews, texts, work talks and developing own work. Their research focused mainly on the difference between experience between music and art on the physical, mental and cultural level. For their feelings there is a clear division that is difficult to match.

By taking interviews, it was found that others, like them, are also affected by music emotionally faster and experienced it as more accessible. This strong emotion and experience has sought Ties in material and expressed in drawings. Robin shows with her movie how important making music for her is like an outlet valve and Ellis investigates how sound changes the feeling of a room. Mike applies his usual method of image production to music production.

Parallel #2 deelnemers

Mike Moonen

Begeleidend Kunstenaar

Ellis Driessen

Propedeuse MaFAD/ Kunstbende Limburg

Robin Gort

Deelnemer Kunstbende Limburg

Ties van Dijk

MaFAD Master Polis